Known for discipline, knowledge, and application in alignment for execution, sensory-based learning techniques, and keen ability to breakdown movement that allows for an ENGAGING and EMPOWERING movement experience where everyone THRIVES.
Candidate International Dunham Technique Certification 2018 - Present
Dunham Technique. Ned Williams, Jr. NYC. 2000 - Present
Balinese Massage & Raindrop Therapy. Jakarta & Bali, Indonesia. 2016
Pre-Natal Yoga- Module 1. Yoga Works, NYC. 2012
X-Pert Pole Certification. NYC. 2011
AntiGravity® Techniques & Instructor Trainer Certifications. NYC. 2010-2015
Lincoln Center Institute. Introduction to Imaginative Learning. NYC. 2009
Dunham Technique Seminar. E. St. Louis, IL. 2000
American Dance Festival. Modern Dance, African Dance, Kinesiology, Repertory: Heidi Latsky, Ron Brown, African American Dance Ensemble. Durham, NC 1998
W. African Dance. Senegal: National Ballet, Gambia: African Roots Musical Ballet, Guinea: Ballet Soilel Du’Afrique. 1996,1999
W. African & African Diaspora Dance. Various Studios, NYC. 1996-2004
American Dance Festival. Modern Dance, African Dance. Durham, NC. 1994
NC School of the Arts. Modern Dance, HS Diploma. Winston-Salem, NC. 1995
Choreography & Performance
As a performer, KD is known for her rawness in live performance and graceful delivery of technique where you FEEL as an audience member. As a choreographer, KD is known for her groundbreaking choreographic work in Intuitive Pole Movement, Low Level Aerial Hammocks, & Pole/Silks Fusion.
Many Faces of Eve. Choreographer, Creative Direction, Performer. 777Theater, NYC. 2017
Dangerous Curves. Solo Choreography, Guest Performer Pole/Silks Fusion. St. Marks Theater, NYC. 2014
Benefit Shows. Solo Choreography, Performer Pole/Silks Fusion. Sacred Brooklyn, NY. 2013-2015
Holding Space. Aerial Choreographer, Performer. Studio Anya, NYC. 2012
AntiGravity Lab. Aerial Choreographer, Performer. AntiGravity Lab, NYC. 2012
Through the Looking Glass. Actor, Choreographer, Dance Coordinator, Dancer. The Tank, NYC. 2010
Ned Williams Dance Theater Workshop. Assistant, Dancer. Various Venues, NYC. 2000-2004
M’Zawa Danz. Rehearsal Mistress, Dancer. Summer Stage, NYC. 2001
El Evictor. Actor. Filmed at Iconic C-Squat in LES, NYC. 1999
Coconut Blood. Performer, Stage Design. Wow Cafe, NYC. 1998
Leading & Teaching
As a leader, KD has a powerful ability to go deep working from the inside out for the performer or everyday person while embracing nuanced approaches to movement initiation and execution. As a teacher, KD is well known for her keen eye across versatile forms of movement arts to hold space for the empowerment of growth on the introductory or advanced levels where performance artists are drawn to her approach to moving— often holding space simultaneously in large group settings or more energy specific in customizing privates.
Empowering Movement Arts: Dunham Technique, Tap, Core, Aerials, Barre, Sensual Movement, Moving Energy. Various Studios, Worldwide. 1997-Present
AntiGravity® Inc. Master Instructor & Curriculum AntiGravity® Techniques. Worldwide. 2011-2016
Integrative Arts Programming & Creating Live Art for kids. Maple Street School, Brooklyn, NYC. 2007-2011
AntiGravity® Inc. Dunham Technique for AntiGravity® Performers. NYC. 2000
Ned Williams Dance Theater Workshop. Assistant,Teacher. Dunham Technique to Professional Artists. Various Studios, NYC. 2000-2005
More examples of places & styles of instruction include, & are not limited to:
University of Mississippi (W. African Dance Workshop for Modern Dance Program)
Djoniba Dance & Drum Center, NYC (Dunham Technique Sub)
Ned Williams Dance Theater Workshop (Dunham Technique Assistant & Sub )
AntiGravity® Skyloft, NYC (Dunham Technique)
Maple Street School (Dance Cultures, Tap, Creative Movement)
Peridance Center, NYC (Tap, W. African Dance Interm Teacher, Children’s Modern Program Sub)
United Nations International School, NYC (Tap)
Sacred, Brooklyn (Body Bou Saf Core Isolations, Pole Sensations, Pole/Silks, Hot Mess, Sensual Strength)
Hercules Club, Greece (AntiGravity® Techniques)
Christopher Harrison’s AntiGravity® Lab, NYC (AntiGravity® Techniques)
Virgin Athletic, Singapore & Italy (AntiGravity® Techniques)
Studio Anya/Holding Space, NYC (AntiGravity® Techniques)
AntiGravity Advanced Training Institute, Thailand (AntiGravity® Techniques)
Soulbox, Indonesia (Soul Barre, AntiGravity® Techniques)
Nike NTC, Indonesia (Bootcamp)
Puma Trainer / Puma Promo, Urbanathalon, Indonesia (Barre Strengthening)
Adidas Trainer / Adidas Promo, Indonesia (Barre)
IncrediPOLE, Brooklyn (Sensual Strength)
YES Studio, NYC (Sensual Strength, Moving Energy + Inverts)